Sunday, October 21, 2007

What a week!

You know it's a slow newsweek here when I post pictures of Starr taking out her hair braids from Mexico...not to say my house wasn't exciting last week, we had a week of parent-teacher conferences, half-days of school, basketball games and practices, scout campout, a 50's style daddy-daughter Activity Days event, a well baby check-up for Josh (who is weighing in at 22 lbs), and RS Super Saturday. (That was fun--mainly because it was for me!) I also picked up apples from my fruit lady on Friday, so now I have 40 lbs of apples sitting in my kitchen I need to figure out what to do with. So far we've had apple crisp, apple cake, apples and carmel, and I'll probably end up drying some apples today if I can dig out my house from the weekend. (Are your mondays like that, also?) Anyway, any other suggestions of what to do with all of these apples would be welcome.

And Starr at her first basketball game... so much for an undefeated team, I think they lost 6-34 (ouch!) But she looked adorable! Unfortunately, Jeff's team also lost their first game (better luck next Saturday).

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