Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I know I still need to post our Spring Break pictures....and I will, but I needed to quickly post Starr getting her braces put on this morning.

Why is it braces seem to make kids look older...and adults look younger?


Heather said...

I do not know?? It's a mystery. I think it's because we associate braces with our teen years or something? By the way....we need to go VT this week!! I just realized.

Team Harris said...

She is soooo cute!!

Barbara said...

Love that smile, Starr!! Now you and Jeff can sympathize with each other, too. It was so fun to see everyone last week. My house is too empty now...but my heart has lots of wonderful memories.

Tammy said...

Just wait till she gets them off , she will look older then. and probably close to being in YW watch out world for this beautiful Girl!!!